
Discovering, Restoring and Disseminating Visual Records of Disappearing Culture

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About Us

LostLightProject.org, is a newly established non-profit organization dedicated to the discovery, preservation, creation and dissemination of visual records of cultures and ways of life that no longer exist or are in danger of disappearing.

Incorporated as a non-profit in New York State as Lost Light Preservation Project in April 2004, the organization received tax exempt status as a 501(c)3 from the IRS in December 2004. Currently, the organization is supporting a number of projects, and is working to raise fundamental operating expenses and secure funding for future work.

The organization’s mission is to:

  • Discovery and identify sources of visual records (photographs, drawings, artwork, ethnographic documents, film, video and other media) in need of preservation and/or dissemination
  • Preserve, restore and document these visual records
  • Disseminate these visual records through the creation and/or support of exhibitions, books, articles, periodicals, films, digital media and Internet websites
  • Sponsor educational programs for schools, communities and other interested parties